. includes most popular car models : . Each car model has it's own generations. If you do not find required vehicle manufacturer,model or generation, feel free to fill the request form and we will try to solve your issue.
When choosing your vehicle manually, make sure you select the right make, model and generation.
Partasalinn.is is the largest used automobile parts marketplace in Iceland. We feature all major car manufacturers, car models and generations. You can search for parts in over 100+ different types in lighting system, fuel mixture system, front and rear axles, interior electronics, exterior parts and more.
We carefully evaluate each used auto parts vendor for our marketplace to ensure you will receive products exactly as described. Should you have any questions, inquiries or suggestions, please contact us by email at info@partasalinn.is.
Buying online is now easier. We provide flexible delivery services to your door all around the country. Furthermore, our secure payment gateway solutions will ensure you get what you pay for. Make sure you read our Terms and Conditions as some parts may have delivery and return restrictions and limitations.
Partasalinn var stofnað árið 2021. Okkar markmið er að koma saman öllum helstu partasölum landsins inná eitt markaðssvæði. Með þessu viljum við einfalda notendum að versla parta í bílana sína.
Viðurkenndar Greiðsluaðferðir:
Útgáfa 1.27.0 - 56c622f
Sími: +354 792 9993
Tölvupóstur: info@partasalinn.is
Mán - Fös: 9:00 - 18:00
Lau: Lokað
Sun: Lokað
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